Roy Summerville is responsible for finding an aircraft for a potential customer, a Canadian Doo Wop music group. He created a project environment for his "Can-Do" project, which he shares with other members of his team.
Roy started by setting up a plan for his Can-Do project:
Based on the plan, this is the project conference he created.
He has created a conference structure that allows his team to:
� brainstorm using a conference called Ideas
� gather information within the Resources and Graphics conferences
� showcase the final product in a conference called Presentation.
The team uses their personal calendars to schedule meetings and milestones.
The team uses instant messaging to hold meetings when they can't get together. Here is an online meeting they held recently.
Roy compiles the minutes into a FirstClass document.
The team uses the Ideas conference to communicate with each other when they are in different locations. If somebody has an idea, they post it there and others can comment on it and build on it.
Roy uses his calendar to manage the details of each task.
As Roy and his team collect information, they enter their notes into FirstClass documents and store them in the Resources folder or the Graphics folder.
Roy and his team use the Presentation conference to put the final project together. Here is a look at some material from the compiled project.
Here are a couple of slides from the presentation.
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